Timada's diary is an ekphrastic online publishing collection of literature and visual art images consisting of works by that were inspired by art in one way or another.
Our editors select the best works that provide our readers with aesthetic pleasure. Join our growing community today— submit your work.
We are looking for prose and poetry inspired by all kinds of art: architecture, painting, drawing, applied art, literature, music, film, dance, photography, theatre, etc. It can be either ekphrastic literature or other writing inspired by the arts.
We are also accepting submissions of fine art. These can be photos of paintings, sketches, photographs and sculptures. In short, anything that has something to do with art.
Our magazine is open to simultaneous submissions, so we ask submitting authors to notify us if their manuscript has been accepted elsewhere. Timada's Dairy does not publish reprints or literature not related to the arts.
Submit your work to marquetimada@gmail.com. In the subject line, write your work category and your name. In the letter, enclose a short biography within 100 words.
Literature Categories
Fiction: we are looking for short stories, short shorts, novellas, novel excerpts (if they can stand alone), and translations up to 5000 words. Please send only one piece at a time, unless the pieces are very short (under 1,000 words), in which case send up to three.
Poetry: we publish long and short poems, including translations. Please send no more than six poems at once, and upload them as a single file.
Nonfiction: we publish creative nonfiction as personal essays, critical reassessments, cultural criticism (art, film, etc.), and works in translation.
Dramatic Writing: We are looking for short plays, monologues, and screenplays, up to 5,000 words. Please consider that the work must read well on the page.
Visual arts categories:
Paintings: we publish photos of paintings that have been inspired by all kinds of art, which also includes music, literature, film and architecture. Please submit a picture of your painting in jpeg, png or pdf format. Please send a short text with information about your work (size, material, title of the work, etc) along with the photo.
Photography: we accept single shots as well as series of photos. We do not limit entries to genre. It can be street photography, portraits, landscapes, still lifes or anything that has been inspired by art. If you are submitting a series of images, please upload them in one file. Please send a short text with information about your work (title of the work, circumstances, etc) along with the photo.
Sculpture: we accept photos of your sculptures. Please send a short text with information about your work (size, material, title of the work, etc) along with the photo.